Universidade de Aveiro-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (44)


  1. Chemical-based methodologies approaches to extend the shelf life of fresh fish—a review

    Foods, Vol. 10, Núm. 10

  2. Emerging Technologies and Their Mechanism of Action on Fermentation

    Fermentation Processes: Emerging and Conventional Technologies (wiley), pp. 117-144

  3. Implementation of emerging technologies

    Innovation Strategies in the Food Industry: Tools for Implementation, Second Edition (Elsevier), pp. 121-143


  1. Application of HPP in food fermentation processes

    Present and Future of High Pressure Processing: A Tool for Developing Innovative, Sustainable, Safe and Healthy Foods (Elsevier), pp. 329-351

  2. Current and future strategies to reduce salt consumption

    Agri-Food Industry Strategies for Healthy Diets and Sustainability: New Challenges in Nutrition and Public Health (Elsevier), pp. 155-175

  3. Effects of high-pressure processing on fungi spores: Factors affecting spore germination and inactivation and impact on ultrastructure

    Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Vol. 19, Núm. 2, pp. 553-573

  4. Electron spin resonance as a tool to monitor the influence of novel processing technologies on food properties

    Trends in Food Science and Technology, Vol. 100, pp. 77-87

  5. Influence of High-Pressure Processing on the Nutritional Changes of Treated Foods

    Innovative Food Processing Technologies: A Comprehensive Review (Elsevier), pp. 74-86

  6. Nutrigenomics and public health

    Agri-Food Industry Strategies for Healthy Diets and Sustainability: New Challenges in Nutrition and Public Health (Elsevier), pp. 219-233

  7. Nutrition, public health, and sustainability: An overview of current challenges and future perspectives

    Agri-Food Industry Strategies for Healthy Diets and Sustainability: New Challenges in Nutrition and Public Health (Elsevier), pp. 3-50


  1. A microbiological, physicochemical, and texture study during storage of yoghurt produced under isostatic pressure

    LWT, Vol. 110, pp. 152-157

  2. Biosensors Applied to Quantification of Ethanol in Beverages

    Engineering Tools in the Beverage Industry: Volume 3: The Science of Beverages (Elsevier), pp. 447-468