Argitalpenak (86) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. A genomic view of mRNA turnover in yeast

    Comptes Rendus - Biologies, Vol. 334, Núm. 8-9, pp. 647-654

  2. Algunos metabolitos de las levaduras pueden ser usados por las bacterias malolácticas como precursores para la producción de compuestos aromáticos: Entrevista a Sibylle Krieger-Weber

    ACE: Revista de enología, Núm. 128

  3. Alternative splicing regulation by Muscleblind proteins: From development to disease

    Biological Reviews, Vol. 86, Núm. 4, pp. 947-958

  4. Aportaciones de los medicamentos a la salud y calidad de vida de los pacientes (II)

    Actualidad en farmacología y terapéutica, Vol. 9, Núm. 4, pp. 279-290

  5. Application of hybrid linear ion trap-high resolution mass spectrometry to the analysis of mycotoxins in beer

    Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment, Vol. 28, Núm. 10, pp. 1438-1446

  6. Arabidopsis plants deficient in plastidial glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase show alterations in abscisic acid (ABA) signal transduction: Interaction between ABA and primary metabolism

    Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 62, Núm. 3, pp. 1229-1239

  7. Biogenic amine synthesis in high quality Tempranillo wines. Relationship with lactic acid bacteria and vinification conditions

    Annals of Microbiology, Vol. 61, Núm. 1, pp. 191-198

  8. Candida albicans induces selective development of macrophages and monocyte derived dendritic cells by a TLR2 dependent signalling

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 6, Núm. 9

  9. Cerambícidos (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) del Parque Natural de La Sierra Calderona (Valencia-Castellón, España)

    Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología, Vol. 35, Núm. 3, pp. 401-419

  10. Characterization of Lactobacillus isolates from fermented olives and their bacteriocin gene profiles

    Food Microbiology, Vol. 28, Núm. 8, pp. 1514-1518

  11. Chronic stress induces changes in the structure of interneurons and in the expression of molecules related to neuronal structural plasticity and inhibitory neurotransmission in the amygdala of adult mice

    Experimental Neurology, Vol. 232, Núm. 1, pp. 33-40

  12. Comparative analysis of the volatile fraction of fruit juice from different citrus species

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 6, Núm. 7

  13. Comparison between different multidimensional analytical systems for protein identification

    Proteómica: revista de la Sociedad Española de Proteómica, Núm. 7, pp. 119-119

  14. Comparison of the role of gibberellins and ethylene in response to submergence of two lowland rice cultivars, Senia and Bomba

    Journal of Plant Physiology, Vol. 168, Núm. 3, pp. 233-241

  15. CsrA modulates levels of lipoproteins and key regulators of gene expression critical for pathogenic mechanisms of Borrelia burgdorferi

    Infection and Immunity, Vol. 79, Núm. 2, pp. 732-744

  16. Dectin-1 mediates in vitro phagocytosis of Candida albicans yeast cells by retinal microglia

    FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, Vol. 63, Núm. 1, pp. 148-150

  17. Differential expression of PGC-1α and metabolic sensors suggest age-dependent induction of mitochondrial biogenesis in friedreich ataxia fibroblasts

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 6, Núm. 6

  18. Domain organization and evolution of multifunctional autoprocessing repeats-in-toxin (MARTX) toxin in vibrio vulnificus

    Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 77, Núm. 2, pp. 657-668

  19. Drosophila as a model of wound healing and tissue regeneration in vertebrates

    Developmental Dynamics, Vol. 240, Núm. 11, pp. 2379-2404

  20. Drosophila models of Parkinson's disease: Discovering relevant pathways and novel therapeutic strategies

    Parkinson's Disease