Tesis dirigides (1)

  1. Psychological capital: underlying mechanisms, antecedents, and outcomes in the workplace 2018

    Universitat de València

    Plamenova Djourova, Nia

Tribunals de tesi (4)

  1. Secretària del tribunal

    On your marks – get set – go! A compendium of multimethod studies of physical exercise and psychological well-being 2022

    Universitat Jaume I

    Gil Beltrán, Ester

  2. Secretària del tribunal

    From burnout to engagement at work: multi-sample empirical results in healthcare professionals 2017

    Universitat Jaume I

    Hernández Vargas, Clara Ivette

  3. Vocal del tribunal

    Felicidad y optimismo en el trabajo. Hallazgos de investigaciones científicas 2017

    Universitat Jaume I

    Sanín Posada, John Alejandro

  4. Vocal del tribunal

    An integrated analysis of resilience: how to achieve positive outgrowths 2014

    Universitat Jaume I

    Meneghel, Isabella