Secure webs and buying intention: the moderating role of usability

  1. Canales Ronda, Pedro
  2. Küster Boluda, Inés
  3. Vila López, Natalia
Administrando en entornos inciertos = managing in uncertain environment
  1. Cossío Silva, F. J. (coord.)

Éditorial: Escuela Superior de Gestión Comercial y Marketing, ESIC

ISBN: 978-84-7356-609-4

Année de publication: 2009

Congreso: Asociación Europea de Dirección y Economía de Empresa. Congreso Nacional (23. 2009. Sevilla)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


A conceptual model has been proposed to show how buying intention antecedents are reinforced in highly usable contexts. Specifically, this paper deeply analyses the moderator role of system variables (usability) on explaining the relationship between Web security and buying intention. Between both extremes (security and buying intention), several relationships have also been stated to better explain this effect. An �ideal� fictitious Website was designed for a non existent clothing company directed at the segment of middle class consumers. In order to alter Web usability, two blocks of changes were made, one concerning Website speed and the other related to ease of use. Our experiment sample consisted of 170 respondents who participated in exchange for a pen-drive (USB) valued at 15 euros. The results show that improving website security has three interesting effects (especially in high usable contexts): (i) it improves pleasure attitudes, (ii) reduces the level of perceived risk and (iii) increases trust. Secondly, it has been found that to increase buying intention, two actions must be taken: (i) to diminish perceived risk and (ii) to improve users� pleasure attitudes towards the Website. Finally, usability has been found to have a moderating role in all the relationships considered (reinforcing them).