NEUS JORNET MARTINEZ-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (16)


  1. A colorimetric membrane-based sensor with improved selectivity towards amphetamine

    Molecules, Vol. 26, Núm. 21

  2. Scopolamine analysis in beverages: Bicolorimetric device vs portable nano liquid chromatography

    Talanta, Vol. 232

  3. Starch-based organic substances in drugs conserved at Santa Maria della Scala in Rome: from Antiquity to Modern Age

    Drugs, colors and aromatics: Tradition and innovation in the "materia medica" of Italian Baroque: studies from the "spezieria" of Santa Maria della Scala (Aboca Museum), pp. 147-168


  1. On-site detection and quantification of ketamine in illicit samples by digital color analysis

    Ketamine: History, Uses and Health Effects (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 185-205