Estellés traduïtaspectes multilingües i interculturals

  1. Monferrer Palmer, Aina
Actes del Dissetè Col·loqui Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes: Universitat de València, 7-10 de juliol de 2015
  1. Manuel Pérez Saldanya (coord.)
  2. Rafael Roca Ricart (coord.)

Publisher: Associació Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes ; Institut d'Estudis Catalans

ISBN: 978-84-9965-363-1

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 553-564

Congress: Col.loqui Internacional de Llengua y Literatura Catalanes (17. 2015. València)

Type: Conference paper


This paperoffers a revision of the monographic translations of Estelles’poetry into Spanish in relation to the text and its publishing context and focusing on the aspects that show the mismatch between languages and cultural contexts. The main aspects implyinga discontinuity between languages and their cultures when translating Estelles’verse are the following: a) untranslatable words and expressions, in the sense that they are genuine elements of the poet’s style that must take part on the translated text; b) the problems derived from the intertextual elements taken from Ausiàs March as inherent parts of Estellés’style,and c) the presence of ideology in some of the editions.