Dotación de recursos y gestión de la interacciónaspectos clave para la creación de valor en las relaciones universidad-empresa

  1. González Cruz, Tomás Félix
  2. Hernández Fernández, Asunción
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Argitalpen urtea: 2014

Zenbakien izenburua: Conceptos aactuales en dirección estratégica

Zenbakia: 391

Orrialdeak: 87-94

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Economía industrial


Nowadays, one of the challenges of the university is to develop responsibility in identifying the most relevant activities to focus energies and resources in order to achieve the interaction between scientific knowledge and productive sector, and this, to maintain a competitive advantage by improving the transfer of innovation and increased value co-creation. To identify and evaluate these assumptions has been the goal of this article. The methodology is based on personal interviews and questionnaires. We used the MIMIC model. The results demonstrate the need of interaction between university business to create value

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