Antecedentes del valor de la relación entre agencias de viaje y sus proveedores

  1. Moliner Velázquez, Beatriz
  2. Fuentes Blasco, María
  3. Ruiz Molina, María Eugenia
Journal of Tourism Analysis = Revista de Análisis Turístico

ISSN: 1885-2564

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 14

Pages: 11-21

Type: Article

More publications in: Journal of Tourism Analysis = Revista de Análisis Turístico

Sustainable development goals


In the B2B context, identifying the elements that contribute to creating value for companies has become an essential element to manage customer satisfaction and retention. The literature in tourism has been focused primarily on business-toconsumer relationships, and there are few contributions in the context of relationships between companies. Faced with this challenge, the aim of this study is to analyze relationship value formation in the tourism inter-organizational context considering relationship benefits, company’s attitude towards its provider and long-term orientation. In order to achieve this, a quantitative research is carried out in travel agencies to test the causal relationships between value and its determinants. The results indicate that the benefits of relationship management (confidence benefits, social benefits and special treatment benefits), the attitude of the firm towards its suppliers and long-term relationship orientation contribute to relationship value creation. From these empirical evidences, interesting managerial implications and future academic research lines are proposed.

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