Sexism and gender role portrayals in spanish tv commercials

  1. Royo Vela, Marcelo
  2. Aldás Manzano, Joaquín
  3. Küster Boluda, Inés
  4. Vila López, Natalia
Working papers = Documentos de trabajo: Serie EC - (Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas)

Datum der Publikation: 2001

Nummer: 10

Art: Arbeitsdokument


This study examines the portrayal of men and women in a sample of Spanish television commercials, attempting to extend past investigations developed in other countries (i.e. USA, United Kingdom and Canada). Traditionally, television commercials have served to reinforce conventional sex role stereotypes. Together with sex role stereotypes, there have been studies of other variables related to the sexist content of commercials. Thus, the present paper focuses on concepts such as gender role, the degree of sexism and the way the central figures inter-relate socially. The objective is to determine whether there is a link among each of these three variables with, firstly, the gender of the central figure of the commercial and secondly, with the type of product advertised.