Publicaciones (85) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. "arrested development". Immature, but not recently generated, neurons in the adult brain

    Archives Italiennes de Biologie, Vol. 148, Núm. 2, pp. 159-172

  2. A GFP-tagged muscleblind C protein isoform reporter construct

    Fly, Vol. 4, Núm. 4

  3. A Preliminary characterization of saffron germplasm from the CROCUSBANK collection

    Acta Horticulturae, Vol. 850, pp. 35-40

  4. A comparative epizootiologic study of the two fish-pathogenic serovars of Vibrio vulnificus biotype 2

    Journal of Fish Diseases, Vol. 33, Núm. 5, pp. 383-390

  5. A conserved motif controls nuclear localization of Drosophila Muscleblind

    Molecules and Cells, Vol. 30, Núm. 1, pp. 65-70

  6. A critical role of plastidial glycolytic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the control of plant metabolism and development

    Plant Signaling and Behavior, Vol. 5, Núm. 1, pp. 67-69

  7. A method for genome-wide analysis of DNA helical tension by means of psoralen-DNA photobinding

    Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 38, Núm. 19

  8. A polyphasic approach in order to identify dominant lactic acid bacteria during pasta manufacturing

    LWT - Food Science and Technology, Vol. 43, Núm. 6, pp. 982-986

  9. A practical approach to FRET-based PNA fluorescence in situ hybridization

    Methods, Vol. 52, Núm. 4, pp. 343-351

  10. A semi-supervised approach to fault diagnosis for chemical processes

    Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 34, Núm. 5, pp. 631-642

  11. ABP1 mediates auxin inhibition of clathrin-dependent endocytosis in arabidopsis

    Cell, Vol. 143, Núm. 1, pp. 111-121

  12. Alteration of inhibitory circuits in the somatosensory cortex of Ts65Dn mice, a model for Down's syndrome

    Journal of Neural Transmission, Vol. 117, Núm. 4, pp. 445-455

  13. BDNF is essentially required for the early postnatal survival of nociceptors

    Developmental Biology, Vol. 339, Núm. 2, pp. 465-476

  14. Binding site alteration is responsible for field-isolated resistance to bacillus thuringiensis Cry2A insecticidal proteins in two Helicoverpa species

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 5, Núm. 4

  15. Biological invasion of European tomato crops by Tuta absoluta: Ecology, geographic expansion and prospects for biological control

    Journal of Pest Science, Vol. 83, Núm. 3, pp. 197-215

  16. Carotenoid composition and vitamin A Value in ají(Capsicum baccatum L.) and rocoto (C. pubescens R. & P.), 2 pepper species from the andean region

    Journal of Food Science, Vol. 75, Núm. 8

  17. Case report: First successful application of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for hereditary angiooedema

    Reproductive BioMedicine Online, Vol. 21, Núm. 5, pp. 658-662

  18. Characterization of a mouse model overexpressing beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme 2 reveals a new role for BACE2

    Genes, Brain and Behavior, Vol. 9, Núm. 2, pp. 160-172

  19. Constitutive activation of the midgut response to Bacillus thuringiensis in Bt-resistant Spodoptera exigua

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 5, Núm. 9, pp. 1-10

  20. Contrasting ozone sensitivity in related evergreen and deciduous shrubs

    Environmental Pollution, Vol. 158, Núm. 12, pp. 3580-3587