Faculty: LAW

Area: Procedural Law

Research group: New conflicts and judicial process


Doctor by the Universitat de València with the thesis "La tutela judicial del crédito cambiario en el ""juicio ejecutivo""" 1997. Supervised by Dr. Manuel Ortells Ramos.

Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Valencia. In it he has held various positions, among others, secretary and later director of the Department of Administrative and Procedural Law. He has been a substitute magistrate at the Provincial Court of Valencia for some years, and before that a practicing lawyer. He is a member of the International Association of Procedural Law, and the Ibero-American Institute of Procedural Law. And he has founded and directed to this day the "Revista Internauta de Pràctica Jurídica", today called "Revista Jurídica Valenciana". He is also a member of the RACV (medal 35) and a corresponding member of the RAJL. He also holds the position of president of the Appeal Committee of the Tennis Federation of the Valencian Community, president of the "Tribunal del Comuner del Rollet de Gràcia de la Huerta de Aldaya", and is also vice president of the "Associació de Juristes Valencians".