Publications (77) HERMINIO PEREZ GARRIGUES publications



  1. A longitudinal study of unilateral Ménière's disease and clinical evolutionary models

    Journal of Laryngology and Otology, Vol. 137, Núm. 6, pp. 629-636

  2. Bilateral Ménière's disease according to its form of debut: Synchronous and metachronous disease

    Journal of Laryngology and Otology, Vol. 137, Núm. 7, pp. 782-788


  1. Sordera súbita idiopática: revisión de 58 casos

    Revista ORL, Vol. 10, Vol. 4, pp. 235-243


  1. Parameters of skull vibration-induced nystagmus in normal subjects

    European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Vol. 275, Núm. 8, pp. 1955-1961


  1. An Iatrogenic Cholesteatoma of the Squamous Part of the Temporal Bone

    The journal of international advanced otology, Vol. 12, Núm. 3, pp. 356-357

  2. Clinical subgroups in bilateral meniere disease

    Frontiers in Neurology, Vol. 7, Núm. OCT

  3. Comentario editorial: "Criterios diagnósticos de enfermedad de Menière"

    Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola

  4. Increased velocity storage in subjects with meniere’s disease

    Journal of International Advanced Otology, Vol. 12, Núm. 1, pp. 87-91

  5. Response over time of vertigo spells to intratympanic dexamethasone treatment in meniere’s disease patients

    Journal of International Advanced Otology, Vol. 12, Núm. 1, pp. 92-97


  1. Afectación vestibulococlear grave en granulomatosis de Wegener localizada: Una presentación atípica

    Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola, Vol. 65, Núm. 2, pp. 131-132

  2. Vestibular impairment in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4C

    Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Vol. 85, Núm. 7, pp. 824-827