Publications dans lesquelles il/elle collabore avec Enric Cervera Mateu (14)


  1. Creation of geometric formations of multiple robots with limited sensory power based on visual information

    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM

  2. Geometric formations for a team of mobile robots: Odometric-based maintenance method for heterogeneous teams of robots

    ICINCO 2010 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics


  1. Experiences in HRI: Design of an interface for a team of multiple heterogeneous robots

    Proceedings - 2009 2nd Conference on Human System Interactions, HSI '09

  2. Self-localization of a team of mobile robots by means of common colored targets

    ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Proceedings


  1. Cooperative navigation using the optical flow and time-to-contact techniques

    2008 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2008

  2. Multimodal interface for a supervisory agent-based teleoperated system to control a team of mobile robots

    39th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR 2008


  1. La arquitectura Acromovi: una arquitectura para tareas cooperativas de robots móviles

    Una perspectiva de la inteligencia artificial en su 50 aniversario: Campus Multidisciplinar en Percepción e Inteligencia, CMPI 2006, Albacete, España, 10-14 de Julio del 2006 : actas

  2. Optical flow navigation over acromovi architecture

    ICINCO 2006 - 3rd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Proceedings


  1. A framework for the development of cooperative robotic applications

    2005 International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR '05, Proceedings

  2. Agent-based application framework for multiple mobile robots cooperation

    Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation


  1. Agent-based software integration for a mobile manipulator

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics


  1. Agents for cooperative heterogeneous mobile robotics: A case study

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics