![Foto de JUAN CARLOS](/img/uploaded/32B1A2549F7665224B921E09FC62313C.jpg)
Faculty: Faculty of Teacher Training
Area: Didactics of Social Sciences
Research group: Research and innovation group on Geography and History Teaching
Email: juan.bel@uv.es
Personal web: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Juan-Carlos-Bel
Doctor by the Universitat de València with the thesis La imaginación histórica en la didáctica de la historia génesis del concepto, percepciones del profesorado y estudio de caso en educación primaria 2022. Supervised by Dr. Rafael Valls Montés.
Juan Carlos Bel Martínez holds a PhD in Specific Didactics (Didactics of Social Sciences) from Universitat de València with extraordinary doctoral award, a degree in Primary Education Teaching from Universitat Jaume I of Castellón and a Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics from Universitat de València. He has been a training and research fellow at the National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF) of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (Spain). His main line of research focuses on the use of historical imagination and historical thinking in Primary Education, as well as on the analysis of teaching materials (mainly textbooks) at this stage. In addition, he has carried out research stays at the Universiteit van Amsterdam and the Universidad de Valladolid. He has a six-year research period assessed by CNEAI. Currently he is assistant professor at the Department of Experimental and Social Sciences Education.