JOSE MARIA BLASCO IGUAL-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (15)


  1. A Matlab based interface for infrared thermographic diagnosis of pediatric musculoskeletal injuries

    Infrared Physics and Technology, Vol. 76, pp. 500-503

  2. Study of different surfaces for neonates in hospital

    2016 Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges/Pan American Health Care Exchanges, GMEPE/PAHCE 2016

  3. Thermographic imaging tool for children fracture detection

    2016 Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges/Pan American Health Care Exchanges, GMEPE/PAHCE 2016

  4. Use of thermography in the diagnosis of pressure ulcers category I: A protocol proposal

    2016 Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges/Pan American Health Care Exchanges, GMEPE/PAHCE 2016


  1. Infrared thermography is useful for ruling out fractures in paediatric emergencies

    European Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 174, Núm. 4, pp. 493-499

  2. Study and simulation of the read-out electronics design for a high-resolution plastic scintillating fiber based hodoscope

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 784, pp. 232-235