Faculty: Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication

Area: Spanish Literature

Personal web:

Doctor by the Universitat de València with the thesis Una lengua común poéticas y políticas de la enfermedad 2015. Supervised by Dr. Nuria Girona Fibla.

Miguel Ángel Martínez works as a researcher, teacher, and curator. He holds a Master in Performing Arts (2009) and a Ph.D. in Literary Studies from the Universitat de València (2016). He has also completed the Artists Program at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Argentina, 2018). Between 2017 and 2019, he developed a postdoctoral research linked to CONICET and UNTREF (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and between 2019 and 2021 one linked to the Universitat de València and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is currently a professor at the Universitat de València and in the ‘Articulacions’ programme, the artistic studies programme of IVAM (Valencian Institute of Modern Art), the Universitat de València and the Universitat Politècnica de València. He has published essays and articles in several monographs and academic journals (Revista Concreta, Kamchatka, 452ºF, Papeles del CEIC, etc.). In the field of culture and art, he has curated exhibitions (Vivir afuera, 2019; Vacío, 2018; La vida dañada, 2015); cycles (Presentes densos. En torno a las artes de vivir en un planeta herido, 2020-2022; o Cuerpos en lucha. Enfermedad y auto-representación, 2017); conferences (Amor & Bios, 2019; El lugar donde se hacen las cosas. Imaginarios, afectos, trabajo, 2019); and courses (Lo que [nos] está pasando. Imaginarios políticos en la literatura actual, 2016 y 2017); and has participated in artistic creation processes (Hospital de campo, 2023; Variaciones sobre el plano, 2020; Sumario 3/94, 2018). In most of these activities, the curatorial or creative work has been shared. They have been carried out in institutions such as IVAM, MACBA, Las Naves, Conde Duque, Arts Santa Mònica, GAM (Santiago de Chile), Universidad Di Tella (Buenos Aires), or EAC (Montevideo). He has recently published the book La otra fiesta (IVAM, 2020), and the monograph Bios. Literatura, enfermedad, formas de vida (Tirant Lo Blanch, 2021).