La posición de Macedonia en la crisis de los refugiados de 2015
- Irina Chudoska Blazhevska
- Carlos Flores Juberías
ISSN: 2530-9676, 2172-5535
Año de publicación: 2016
Título del ejemplar: Macedonia del Norte, monográfico
Número: 7
Páginas: 221-251
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Balkania
The refugee flows, which in the recent years have acquired considerable dimension and complexity due to a number of conflicts –particularly, but not exclusively, active and vicious in the Middle East and in some African countries– affected the Western Balkans with unexpected intensity during 2015. The Republic of Macedonia, itself a host country of refugees in a not so recent past, became one of the key transit countries for refugees fleeing from the war in Syria who chose as their point of destination countries in the European Union which had declared themselves ready to accept them. This paper will provide: some reliable figures to allow a rigorous assessment of the magnitude of the challenges faced by Macedonia during the so-called "refugee crisis", and will use these figures as the departure point for an enumeration of the national and international actors who intervened in this process, helping to deal with the humanitarian crisis generated by the flow of refugees; a definition of the policy priorities and the legal framework on the basis of which the Macedonian Government conducted itself during this crisis; and an evaluation of Macedonia’s success rate in this situation and the consequences this crisis has generated for the country, in terms of its internal stability and its international image.
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