Traducción creativa, transcreación literaria, composición musical y tópicos literarios en el aula de filología o cultura clásica

  1. Padilla-Carmona, Carles 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


Quaderns de filologia. Estudis literaris

ISSN: 1135-4178

Année de publication: 2023


Número: 28

Pages: 143-169

Type: Article


D'autres publications dans: Quaderns de filologia. Estudis literaris

Objectifs de Développement Durable


In this paper we present an example of innovative good practices based on a teaching experience with students of the Bachelor Degree in translation and interlinguistic mediation of the University of Valencia. The activity consists of identifying the classic literary topics (previously explained in the classroom with Latin examples) in different contemporary poetic or musical compositions in any language under study (Spanish, Catalan, English, French, German or Italian) and later translating the selected texts into two or more languages, respecting not only the content, but all the formal aspects such as structure, metrics (number of syllables and combination of intensity accent with musical rhythm, if applicable) and rhyme, mainly. We call this activity ‘(musical) literary transcreation’. Students recite or perform their own versions live in front of their classmates.

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