La ambivalente relación entre el profesorado y las plataformas digitales: algunos dilemas de la escuela actual

  1. Mª Isabel Pardo Baldoví 1
  2. Ángel San Martín Alonso 2
  1. 1 AIJU -Instituto Tecnológico de Producto Infantil y de Ocio
  2. 2 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa

ISSN: 2254-5883

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Alea: 12

Orrialdeak: 76-85

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.30827/DIGIBUG.80999 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa


This paper analyses the transformations derived from the implementation of digital platforms in schools. This phenomenon emanates from the underlying socio-economic model itself, the capitalism of platforms, in which these artefacts impose their logic, "dualizing" the production and access to knowledge. In order to study these aspects, qualitative research is carried out that combines the analysis of academic literature with a field study in four schools in the Valencian Community. In the fieldwork, individual in-depth interviews were used as the main tool for collecting information, complemented by participant observation and the analysis of platforms and documents. The emerged information is analyzed on the basis of Discourse Analysis. The main results show that digital platforms cause a profound and holistic transformation of teachers' work, which generates different perceptions among teachers, sometimes polarized, and characterised by light and shadow. In short, despite the social hegemony of platformization, the relationship between teachers and platforms is characterised by controversy.

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