Formación de futuros docentes en educación inclusivade la práctica a la teoría

  1. Irene Gómez-Marí 1
  2. Raúl Tárraga-Mínguez 1
  3. Irene Lacruz-Pérez 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


Edunovatic 2022. Conference Proceedings: 7th Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT, December 14-15, 2022

Editorial: REDINE (Red de Investigación e Innovación Educativa)

ISBN: 978-84-124511-7-7

Ano de publicación: 2022

Páxinas: 337-338

Congreso: Congreso Virtual Internacional de Educación, Innovación y TIC (7. 2022. null)

Tipo: Achega congreso


One of the weaknesses in the current initial teacher training model is the difficulty in establishing linksbetween university theoretical training and the daily educational practice of schools. (Álvarez-Álvarez,2015; Hennissen, Beckers y Moerkerke, 2017). This need to link theory and practice is especially rele-vant when referring to misrepresented contents in teachers training programs, such as inclusive educa-tion, which is focused only on a unique subject of the university degree (Sánchez-Serrano, Alba-Pastory Zubillaga del Río, 2021). Given this situation, using the methodology of practical cases during lec-tures could help to facilitate this distance between theory and practice. In these cases, students mustresolve specific, possible and plausible situations, allowing pre-service teachers to approach realityand hypothesize possible strategies to face different nature circumstances. The aim of this communica-tion is to describe a teaching innovation project of the University of Valencia (UV-SFPIE_PID-2078700)which will take place in the second semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. The participants willbe approximately 250 second-year students of the Teaching Degree. This project aims to innovate inthe generalized and traditional practice consisting of presenting theory at first and, later, practice work(Wubbels, 1992). We propose the reverse strategy: first, raising and solving practical cases, and thenbuilding the theory on which the resolutions of the cases are based. This organization will be followedwith the ten topics developed in Special Educational Needs subject (legislative framework of specialeducation and inclusive education; regulation and behavioral problems; autism spectrum disorder; mo-tor, visual and auditory functional diversity, among others. The implementation of this methodology inthe classroom with pre-service teachers will consist of four different stages:• To solve the case study and sharing.• To contrast with the theory from the resolution of the case.• To reformulate the resolution of the case study.• To evaluate this resolution.