La transició secundària-universitatl'acollida als estudiants de primer curs

  1. Joaquín Gairín Sallán
  2. Mònica Feixas Condom
  3. José Luis Muñoz Moreno
  4. Cristina Guillamón Ramos
  5. Dolors Quinquer Vilamitjana
Experiències docents innovadores de la UAB en ciències socials i en ciències humanes: cap a l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior (EEES)
  1. Martínez González, Maite
  2. Añaños, Elena

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones = Servei de Publicacions ; Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona = Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

ISBN: 978-84-490-2577-8

Year of publication: 2008

Pages: 123-136

Type: Book chapter


This study analyses the processes of transition from secondary education to the university, and specifically the induction and orientation of students in their first year of university. The field study performed at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) primarily compiles the opinions of institutional leaders, students in their first year, students in secondary education and student organisations. Likewise, documentation on promotional practices, orientation and mentoring of students in their first year at Spanish and foreign universities is also examined. The results reveal a variety of actions aimed at recruiting and orienting students, but there are few links with the processes of mentoring and orientation aimed at the same group. In any event, these are structural measures that do not always fit in with the difficulties that students encounter or with their concerns, perceptions and expectations.