Los patios divertidos en Secundaria y Técnico en Animación de Actividades Físicas y Deportivasuna experiencia a través del Aprendizaje Servicio.
- Sheila Torres-García
- Teresa Valverde
- Celina Salvador-García
ISSN: 0210-2773
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: Miscelánea
Volume: 51
Issue: 1
Pages: 37-44
Type: Article
More publications in: Aula abierta
Patios divertidos (“Engaging recesses”) was a Service-Learning project aimed at improving social relationships among a group of secondary school students (ESO). By means of this project, students of a higher-level training course in Sporting and Physical Activities (TAFAD in Spanish) were able to apply curricular contents while attending a social need. The objective of this paper is to present this experience and analyse the views of the participants regarding its effects on the following dimensions: socialisation, friendship, utility, conflicts and learning. We used a descriptive-exploratory qualitative approach in order to analyse 13 interviews (1 teacher, 6 ESO students and 6 TAFAD students). We conclude that the project has achieved its objectives: to improve ESO students’ socialisation, integration and inclusion, as well as promote the integral development of TAFAD students
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