Dos ejes para la actualización de los profesores de lenguas a distancialingüística aplicada y tecnología educativa

  1. Carmen Contijoch 1
  2. María Elena Delgado 1
  3. Laura García 1
  4. Dulce María Gilbón 1
  5. Karen Lusnia 1
  6. Leticia Martineck 1
  7. Verónica Peña 1
  8. Aline Signoret 1
  9. Carmen Tobío 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Centro de Estudios de Lenguas Extranjeras
Perfiles educativos

ISSN: 0185-2698 2448-6167

Any de publicació: 2004

Volum: 26

Número: 103

Pàgines: 56-76

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Perfiles educativos


In this article the author highlight the role of foreign languages in the global educational context and show how necessary it seems to be to put teachers up to date in the domain of applied linguistics, with the help of educational technology, wich are necessary for the continuos distance training. Within this wide framwork, the authors discuss the importance of each of the six modules of the *Diplomado Actualización in Applied Linguistics for foreign language teachers (, wich took place from between 2000 and 2003 with the support of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM). It finally quotes some outcomes of the use of two axes in the training of more than hundred teachers who were able to update in the use of this program and its importance for the research that was carried out in order to design it.

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