El uso de Blackboard Collaborate como herramienta para la mejora de los espacios de comunicación en la enseñanza online de la Economía
- Almenar-Llongo, Vicent
- Férnandez-Piqueras, Rocio
- Maldonado-Devis, Mónica
- Melguizo-Chafer, Celia
- Maria Luisa Sein-Echaluce Lacleta
- Ángel Fidalgo Blanco
- Francisco José García Peñalvo
Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Zaragoza
ISBN: 978-84-16723-77-5
Year of publication: 2019
Pages: 657-662
Congress: Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Cooperación (5. 2019. Madrid)
Type: Conference paper
This paper follows the thematic line of relating an experience on the different technologies in the synchronic and blended learning field, in particular on the use of a tool for synchronous education Blackboard Collaborate (other synchronous web-based collaborative tools are: Adobe Connect, Zoom, WebEx, among others). Through the realization of a pilot experience we have tried to innovate in the generation of materials and didactic resources for online learning and blended learning in the teaching of the Economy. The paper describes the motivation for this experience, a literature review on the subject, the way it has been implemented, and the results obtained.