Les grans infrastructures de transport i el desenvolupament de la ciutat mitjana. El Tren d'Alta Velocitat a les ciutats de Lleida, Avinyó i Novara

  1. Feliu Torrent, Jaume
Dirigida por:
  1. Mita Castañer Vivas Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat de Girona

Fecha de defensa: 08 de marzo de 2005

  1. Rafel Llussà Torra Presidente/a
  2. Joan Vicente Rufí Secretario/a
  3. Joaquín Farinós Dasí Vocal
  4. Francesca Governa Vocal
  5. Carme Bellet Sanfeliu Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 128941 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The central goal of this thesis is to study the processes that allow to achieve a long-term local development of medium-sized towns from the implantation of a great infrastructure like High Speed Train (HST). Is started from the hypothesis that the urban local development from the HST depends on objective factors and on subjective factors (of subjects), some factors that take a particular form in the development of medium-sized towns. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a second applied part. Several authors have concluded that the traditional relationship between transport infrastructures and territory departs of some deterministic paradigms, such a cause-effect relation. For this motive, they have criticized the studies of socioeconomic effects of transport infrastructures, as well as the concept of effect. These criticisms are made as well to the relation between HST and medium-sized towns. Many authors conclude that economic development is not an automatic fact and that consequences of HST can not be predicted in half and long term. Local development from the HST, then, would be related to three main elements. First, we need to understand that city and territory are complex phenomenons and, for this, it is necessary to approach them from the theory of complex systems. Second, the great infrastructure has to become an endogenous resource (interconnection with the local network of actors and territorialisation in the milieu of the city) to contribute to development. Third, dynamics of governance between actors is fundamental. It can be divided into internal management of local network (local project) and multilevel management of administrations. With regard to theoretical referents, a methodology is constructed to estimate the degree of local development that has entailed HST in three medium-sized towns of European Mediterranean arch, Lleida, Avingnon and Novara, placed respectively in Spain, France and Italy. The methodology proposes the study of technical aspects of the city like those of transport (Territorial position of the city in HST system, Characteristics of HST station), urban planning (Municipal urban planning model, Urban planning model at scale of station) and economy (Different economic projects of the city related to HST). It also proposes the study of external organizational aspects (Supra-local agents and their projects, Degree of conflictivity and cooperation between local and supra-local agents) and internal (Capacity of creation of a local project from HST, Agents that participate in local project and their dynamics, Territorial area of projects). Finally it is made an evaluation of process and results on local development. As a conclusion it is demonstrated that process of local development from great transport infrastructures depends, basically, on the capacity of governance. It depends, on one side, on the capacity of local agents to elaborate a development project and to lead some strategies and, on the other side, on the capacity of territorial agents (state, region, local) to create alliances and cooperation to planning the transport infrastructure. Finally, some recommendations are presented to the cities that want to plan the arrival of the HST and want to produce development with characteristics of efficiency, sustainability, productivity and equity.