Influence of perceived value on emotions and consumer behaviour in mobile commerce in the fashion industry
- Miluska Murillo Zegarra 1
- Carla Ruiz-Mafé 1
Universitat de València
ISSN: 2659-3270
Year of publication: 2020
Volume: 17
Issue: 4
Pages: 54-91
Type: Article
More publications in: UCJC Business & Society Review
The goals of this paper are to identify the impact of the hedonic-utilitarian dimension of per-ceived value on the emotions experienced by consumers during a mobile application-based shopping purchase process, and the effects of these emotions on post-purchase behaviour when using a fashion-based mobile commerce application. A relationship model which inte-grates utilitarian value, hedonic value, emotions, repurchase and recommendation intentions is proposed and empirically tested. The sample selected for the study was 340 real customers of a multi-brand, fashion industry company, well known in Spain, who purchase its products exclusively through its mobile application. The hypotheses tests showed that repurchase and recommendation intentions are determined by positive emotions which, in turn, are determined by hedonic value, and that utilitarian value reduces negative emotions
Funding information
The authors acknowledge the financial support of research project UV-INV_AE19-1212255.Funders
Universitat de València
- UV-INV_AE19-1212255
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