INNODOCT/19. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education

  1. Verdecho Sáez, María José
  2. Garrigós Simón, Fernando
  3. Dema Pérez, Carlos Manuel
  4. Estellés Miguel, Sofia
  5. Narangajavana, Yeamduan
  6. Lengua Lengua, Ismael
  7. Oltra Gutiérrez, Juan Vicente
  8. Montesa Andrés, José Onofre
  9. Sanz Blas, Silvia

Publisher: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 978-84-9048-799-0

Year of publication: 2020

Type: Book

DOI: 10.4995/INN2019.2019.11694 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

Sustainable development goals


In the 21st century, there are significant changes of educational culture in particular culture of learning leading to employability and creating innovation for entrepreneurship, therefore, the learning outcome need to be focus on 1) applying knowledge to create innovation 2) creative learning by active learning 3) learning for public and participation on making social responsibility and awareness 4) leaning for practice in real life. This is a great opportunity that International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education (INNODOCT) provide a forum for academics and practitioners to share innovations, research, results and experiences in innovation, documentation or education related to new information and communication technologies, innovations and methodologies applied to education and research. Tourism and Hospitality is one of many fields need to contribute efficient learning and apply technological tools for encouraging innovation of learning in the current century. In this regard, INNODOCT can be a good platform for various scholars to share and exchange good practices from around the world by using digital environment without barrier.