Desarrollo, validación e implementación de un programa de detección de desnutrición con herramienta de cribado NRS-2002 en pacientes del servicio de oncología y hematología.

  1. Marta Pérez Domènech 1
  2. Jose Miguel Soriano 1
  3. Juan Francisco Merino Torres 2
  1. 1 Food & Health Lab, Institute of Materials Science, University of Valencia/ Joint Research Unit on Endocrinology, Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics, University of Valencia-Health Research Institute La Fe, Valencia. España
  2. 2 Dep. of Endocrinology and Nutrition, University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe. Valencia/ Joint Research Unit on Endocrinology, Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics, University of Valencia-Health Research Institute La Fe. Valencia. España
Nutrición clínica y dietética hospitalaria

ISSN: 0211-6057

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 41

Issue: 1

Pages: 76-82

Type: Article

More publications in: Nutrición clínica y dietética hospitalaria


Introduction: Hospital malnutrition (HM) is an increas-ingly prevalent situation, which involves both an increase inhealth costs, and also a decrease in the life quality andgreater morbimortality. Nutritional screening is essential todetect malnutrition early and avoid these complications. Objectives: To develop, validate and implement theNutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS-2002) tool at the ad-mission and during the hospitalization of a patient in the on-cohematology service in a third level hospital, and know theirnutritional status at the admission and the discharge. Methods: NRS-2002 was performed on all patients admit-ted to the oncohaematology service, followed by the com-plete nutritional assessment (NA) to check its validity. NRS-2002 is repeated weekly to determine the degree ofmalnutrition during the hospital stay. Results: 573 patients were admitted to the oncohematol-ogy service, of which a 34.4% suffered from malnutrition,44.7% had risk of malnutrition and 20.9% were in good nu-tritional condition, at the time they were admitted to hospitalaccording to the NRS-2002. In patients admitted for morethan a week, NRS-2002 was performed weekly and foundthat, upon discharge, a 34.4% were malnourished, 50.8%had a risk of malnutrition and the last 14.76% were in goodnutritional status; also a 12.3% worsened their nutritional status, the 68.9% maintained it and only a 18.9% improvedit. 78.8% of patients with longer admissions require a NA. Discussion: Due to the high risk of malnutrition in hospi-tal admission, the use of nutritional screening is necessary,both at admission and during hospital stay to avoid nutritionaldeterioration during the same. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the NRS-2002 is asimple and effective method for early malnutrition detection.

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