New frontiers in tourismdestinations, resources, and managerial perspectives
- Kozak, Metin 1
- Rita, Paulo 2
- Bigné, Enrique 3
- 1 School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey
- 2 CIS-IUL, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisbon, Portugal
- 3 Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
ISSN: 2444-8494, 2444-8451
Year of publication: 2018
Issue Title: New frontiers in tourism: destinations, resources, and managerial perspectives
Volume: 27
Issue: 1
Pages: 2-5
Type: Article
More publications in: European journal of management and business economics
Bibliographic References
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