Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility perception on consumer satisfaction with the brand
- J. J. Rivera 1
- E. Bigne
- R. Curras Pérez
Universitat de València
ISSN: 2444-9695, 2444-9709
Año de publicación: 2016
Volumen: 20
Número: 2
Páginas: 104-114
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Spanish journal of marketing-ESIC
Using two different studies we assess under what conditions Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) affects consumer satisfaction. In the first study, based on the American Customer Satisfaction Index, and a content analysis of CSR initiatives reported by 65 US companies, findings show a positive direct relationship between CSR and customer satisfaction with CSR training and environmental initiatives, but a negative direct relationship between CSR corporate communication initiatives and customer satisfaction. The second study, through an empirical study based on an online survey of consumers, points to a positive relationship between CSR and customer satisfaction. Our findings suggest a direct and an indirect route for this relationship through brand attitudes. These apparently divergent, but complementary results, between the two studies are explained by the different conceptual approaches that underline the CSR communication processes and the relationship between consumers and brand. Our findings also suggest that public policies on CSR visibility must be reviewed.
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