The adjustment of bank ratings in the financial crisisinternational evidence

  1. Salvador, Carlos
  2. Fernández de Guevara Radoselovics, Juan
  3. Pastor Monsálvez, José Manuel
Notas técnicas: [continuación de Documentos de Trabajo FUNCAS]

ISSN: 1988-8767

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 750

Type: Working paper

More publications in: Notas técnicas: [continuación de Documentos de Trabajo FUNCAS]

Sustainable development goals


This paper analyses the adjustment occurring in the ratings of the banks of the United States and the European Union as a result of the financial crisis. It uses a methodology that permits decomposition of the observed change in the rating into an effect associated with the change in the agencies� rating policies and into another effect associated with the banks� asset situation. The results obtained show that with the crisis there was a generalised fall in the ratings. This fall is due both to a worsening of the banks� asset situation and to the hardening of rating policies. Specifically, we find that in Fitch 79.66% and in Standard and Poor�s 63.93% of the fall in the rating is due to a hardening of the rating policies, while in Moody�s the steep worsening of the banks� asset situation is offset by a slight improvement in the rating criteria. These changes suggest a procyclical behaviour in Standard and Poor�s and Fitch, and conversely a through the cycle behaviour in Moody�s.