Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale in the sport contex

  1. Castillo Fernández, Isabel
  2. Tomás Marco, María Inés
  3. Ntoumanis, Nikos
  4. Bartholomew, Kimberley J.
  5. Duda, Joan L.
  6. Balaguer Solá, Isabel

ISSN: 0214-9915

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 26

Issue: 3

Pages: 409-414

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicothema


Background: The purpose of this research was to translate into Spanish and examine the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale (CCBS) in male soccer players. The CCBS is a questionnaire designed to assess athletes' perceptions of sports coaches' controlling interpersonal style from the perspective of the self-determination theory. Method: Study 1 tested the factorial structure of the translated scale using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and provided evidence of discriminant validity. Studies 2 and 3 examined the invariance across time and across competitive level via multi-sample CFA. Reliability analyses were also conducted. Results: The CFA results revealed that a four-factor model was acceptable, indicating that a controlling interpersonal style is a multidimensional construct represented by four separate and related controlling coaching strategies. Further, results supported the invariance of the CCBS factor structure across time and competitive level and provided support for the internal consistency of the scale. Conclusions: Overall, the CCBS demonstrated adequate internal consistency, as well as good factorial validity. The Spanish version of the CCBS represents a valid and reliable adaptation of the instrument, which can be confidently used to measure soccer players' perceptions of their coaches' controlling interpersonal style.

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