Innovaciones y prácticas organizativas como determinantes de la competitividad

  1. Camisón Zornoza, César
  2. Puig Denia, Alba
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Conceptos aactuales en dirección estratégica

Issue: 391

Pages: 59-70

Type: Article

More publications in: Economía industrial


This paper analyses the influence of organizational practices and innovations on competitiveness. Specifically, we examine whether the implementation of quality practices and the development of dynamic capabilities have a positive effect on competitiveness through the improvement of the innovation performance. In addition, we study the relationship between these practices and innovations. The theoretical review suggests that quality practices do not have a direct influence on innovation performance, but these practices can have an indirect effect through the development of the dynamic capabilities. Moreover, these practices and capabilities need to improve previously the innovative performance in order to have an effect on competitiveness

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