Adaptive Vocational Personality QuestionnaireDevelopment and Validation of an adaptive personality questionnaire to analyze the vocational behavior of university students

  1. Gómez Artiga, Amparo
  2. Lloret Segura, Susana
  3. Rocabert Beut, Esperanza
  4. Descals Tomás, Adela
Anales de psicología

ISSN: 0212-9728 1695-2294

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 29

Issue: 2

Pages: 470-481

Type: Article


More publications in: Anales de psicología


This study presents a personality evaluation instrument adapted to the vocational setting: the Adaptive Vocational Personality Question-naire (AVPQ). The questionnaire was developed and tested in a sample of 2160 university students in the final years of their degree programs. The purpose of the study is to validate the questionnaire, providing evidence about its internal structure and its usefulness for predicting scores on a cri-terion scale. A confirmatory factor analysis combined with a cross-validation design was used: the exploratory sample (n = 879) helped to identify the model with the factorial structure that best fit the relations among the items. As expected, this model had two related but clearly sepa-rate factors: Adaptive Personality Characteristics (AC) with 9 items and Non-Adaptive Personality Characteristics (NAC) with 11 items. The valida-tion sample (n =932) was used to test the generalization capacity of this model, which was satisfactory and showed a good reliability index. Regard-ing its usefulness in predicting proactive job-search behaviors, the results were also satisfactory. The questionnaire and keys are provided, as well as the criteria for calculating the scores on each scale and on the entire ques-tionnaire.

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