Un estudio comparativo sobre criterios normativos y diferenciales para el diagnóstico del síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (burnout) según el MBI-HSS en España

  1. Gil Monte, Pedro R.
  2. Peiró Silla, José María
Revista de psicología del trabajo y de las organizaciones = Journal of work and organizational psychology

ISSN: 1576-5962

Year of publication: 2000

Issue Title: Aproximaciones psicosociales y estudios diagnósticos sobre el síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (burnout)

Volume: 16

Issue: 2

Pages: 135-151

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de psicología del trabajo y de las organizaciones = Journal of work and organizational psychology


This study was designed to obtain normative values, cut-off points, and correlational valuesto diagnose the burnout syndrome in Spain according to the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS). The sample for this study consisted of 1188 Spanishprofessionals from diverse occupational sectors (education professionals, hotel employees,nursing professionals, police officers, volunteers, bank employees, and teleoperators). Meansand percentile values (33 & 66) were taken into consideration as statistical norms and cut-off points in every dimension of the MBI-HSS (Personal Accomplishment, Emotional Exhaus-tion and Depersonalization). The results indicate that the mean values for the subscales of theMBI-HSS obtained in this study differ significantly from American and Dutch normativesamples, and they are similar to the values offered in the Spanish manual, with exception of those for Depersonalization. Percentile values obtained are similar to those presented in the Spanish manual, and they are more different from the ones obtained from other normatives amples published. ANOVA revealed significant differences in the mean of the three dimensions of the MBI-HSS as a function of the occupational sector. It is concluded that onlynation-specific cut-off points should be employed.

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