La importancia del trabajo en los jóvenes durante los primeros años de empleo

  1. González Navarro, Pilar
  2. Gracía Lerín, Francisco Javier
  3. Salanova Soria, Marisa
Revista de psicología del trabajo y de las organizaciones = Journal of work and organizational psychology

ISSN: 1576-5962

Année de publication: 1996

Volumen: 12

Número: 1

Pages: 27-50

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Revista de psicología del trabajo y de las organizaciones = Journal of work and organizational psychology


Work is a basic and central role in the life of human beings because of the large amount of time we dedicate to it, because it allows the satisfaction of economic and psychosocial needs and because of its interrelation with other areas of fife (e.g. family or leisure). However, the importance that work has in one person's life varies from one person to another and it is a central component of the set of beliefs, values and attitudes that constitute the meaning of work. Work centrality refers to the importance that work has for people in their global life at a given time. The objective of this paper is to study the changes that have been produced in the importance that work has for youth during the first years of employment. The hypotheses we establish are that young employees will have changed the degree of relevance that work has in their lifes. In this sense, we think that a relevant variable to explain these changes will be the events or changes that the subject has experienced in his/her work (e.g. job changes, changes of hierarchic level, firm, industrial sector or employment/unemployment situation). Results are a support for the interactive approach (Drenth, 1991) to the controversial theme of the meaning of work stability.

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