Adequació dels instruments d'avaluació a situacions bilingües

  1. Ferreres Traver, Adoración
  2. Fidalgo Aliste, Ángel Manuel 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo

    Universidad de Oviedo

    Oviedo, España


Anuari de psicologia de la Societat Valenciana de Psicologia

ISSN: 1135-1268

Year of publication: 2004

Issue Title: Psicologia, Llengua i Societat

Volume: 9

Issue: 1

Pages: 85-96

Type: Article

More publications in: Anuari de psicologia de la Societat Valenciana de Psicologia


Psychologist have stressed the need for studying the psychometric characteristics of items applied to groups of subjects with characteristics different to those of the original target population, focusing on the detection of items wich function differentially across groups. The aim of this paper tries to make a contribution in the field of Psychology of Education guided to study wether differential item functioning (DIF) in a bilingual region: the Land of Valencia (Spain). This paper analyzes the DIF in two scales, written and validated in Spanish and frequently applied in the Valencian educational context. Results obtained were interpreted attending to the type of items and linguistic characteristics of groups compared. Several recommendations to consider in future studies with different linguistic and/or cultural populations are given.