Publicacions (122) Publicacions en què ha participat algun/a investigador/a


  1. 2,3,9- and 2,3,11-Trisubstituted tetrahydroprotoberberines as D2 dopaminergic ligands

    European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Vol. 68, pp. 150-166

  2. 3,4-Dihydroxy- and 3,4-methylenedioxy- phenanthrene-type alkaloids with high selectivity for D2 dopamine receptor

    Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Vol. 23, Núm. 17, pp. 4824-4827

  3. A "double hit" murine model for schizophrenia shows alterations in the structure and neurochemistry of the medial prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus

    Neurobiology of Disease, Vol. 59, pp. 126-140

  4. A new gene superfamily of pathogen-response (repat) genes in Lepidoptera: classification and expression analysis.

    Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology, Vol. 164, Núm. 1, pp. 10-17

  5. A sendai virus-derived RNA agonist of RIG-I as a virus vaccine adjuvant

    Journal of Virology, Vol. 87, Núm. 3, pp. 1290-1300

  6. A small molecule multi-kinase inhibitor reduces influenza A virus replication by restricting viral RNA synthesis

    Antiviral Research, Vol. 100, Núm. 1, pp. 29-37

  7. A survey of mycotoxins in random street-vended snacks from Lagos, Nigeria, using QuEChERS-HPLC-MS/MS

    Food Control, Vol. 32, Núm. 2, pp. 673-677

  8. Abordaje del problema de la hipertensión desde una oficina de farmacia: detección, educación sanitaria o seguimiento farmacoterapéutico. ¿Qué actuación muestra mayor eficiencia?

    Pharmaceutical care España, Vol. 15, Núm. 2, pp. 44-50

  9. About targets and causes in protein folding

    Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics

  10. Adjuvants and immunization strategies to induce influenza virus hemagglutinin stalk antibodies

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 8, Núm. 11

  11. Algunas cuestiones sobre la eficacia en el ámbito sanitario: MacIntyre, los personajes y las narraciones

    Bioética, neuroética, libertad y justicia (Fundación ETNOR para la Etica de los Negocios y de las Organizaciones), pp. 78-89

  12. An amino acid substitution (L925V) associated with resistance to pyrethroids in Varroa destructor

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 8, Núm. 12

  13. Antioxidant compound supplementation prevents oxidative damage in a Drosophila model of Parkinson's disease

    Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Vol. 61, pp. 151-160

  14. Antithrombin activity and outcomes in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass

    Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis, Vol. 24, Núm. 4, pp. 454-457

  15. Arabidopsis copper transport protein COPT2 participates in the cross talk between iron deficiency responses and low-phosphate signaling

    Plant Physiology, Vol. 162, Núm. 1, pp. 180-194

  16. Assessment of trace elements and stable isotopes of three ardeid species at Birama Swamp, Cuba

    Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol. 65, Núm. 1, pp. 24-32

  17. BB0172, a Borrelia burgdorferi outer membrane protein that binds integrin α3β1

    Journal of Bacteriology, Vol. 195, Núm. 15, pp. 3320-3330

  18. Biology, Ecology and Management of the South American Tomato Pinworm, <i>Tuta absoluta</i>


  19. Biology, ecology and management of the south american tomato pinworm, tuta absoluta

    Potential Invasive Pests of Agricultural Crops (CABI Publishing), pp. 98-125

  20. Cajal-Retzius cells instruct neuronal migration by coincidence signaling between secreted and contact-dependent guidance cues

    Neuron, Vol. 79, Núm. 3, pp. 461-477