Area: Basic Psychology

Research group: Neurodret


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universitat de València with the thesis Influjo de la educación en el desarrollo moral los valores y las creencias de adolescentes 2000. Supervised by Dr. Esteban Pérez Delgado.

Dr. Manuel Martí Vilar is Professor of Basic Psychology. Extraordinary award of Llicenciatura and of Doctorat. He has 28 years teaching Psychology subjects, tutor of internships and TFG's and TFM's. Teacher in official Master's Degrees Director of 10 doctoral theses. Has written and edited 185 publications, a member of Editorial Boards and journals of impact. He has enjoyed 11 research stays in international centers. He has been Editor of the Anuari de Psicologia de la SVP and Guest Editor of the monograph "Valors i ètica professional" of the Revista Digital d'Investigació en Docència Universitària (*RIDU), 2020. She has participated in 2 organizing committees and 7 scientific committees of congresses. She is currently part of the research team of the Generation of Knowledge 2021 project granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government. Membre del grup d'Innovació Docent: "Creative Writing applied an Arts, Social sciences and Humanities (SDGs)" - acronym: CRASH-ODS de la UV