Department: PHYSICAL AND S

Faculty: Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Area: Physical Education and Sport

Research group: Phyisical Activity, Education and Society


Doctor by the Universitat de València with the thesis Disability, illness and physical activity a (post)qualitative research 2019. Supervised by Dr. Víctor Pérez Samaniego, Dr. Brett Michael Smith, Dr. José Devís Devís.

My research interests include the promotion of physical activity among disabled people through a Critical Disability Studies approach, and the analysis of the philosophies, practices, and politics of qualitative inquiry. I was recently granted the ECR award by the International Society of Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, and the Young investigator Award by the European Federation of Adapted Physical Activity. Two of the projects I am currently working on are "Moving Social Work" (UK) and "Mou-te amb Lesió Medul·lar" (Spain). I am also writing several books, book chapters, and articles on topics such as narrative analysis, narrative pedagogy, disability exercise, and the essentials of qualitative research. I supervise three PhD students and a variety of masters and undergraduate dissertations. This year, I teach basketball fundamentals and applied research, as well as cross-disciplinary doctoral and CPD courses.