Department: TEACHING AND S

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences

Area: Didactics and School Organisation

Research group: Educational transitions, resistances, gender relations, exclusion and health


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universitat de València with the thesis La producción social de itinerarios de inserción análisis de la formación profesional de base desde una perspectiva de justicia social 2017. Supervised by Dr. Fernando Marhuenda Fluixà, Dr. Almudena Navas Saurin.

PhD in Education (Universitat de València); Master's Degree in Youth and Society (University of Girona); Degree in Educational Psychology and Diploma in Teaching (Universitat de València); Graduated in Pedagogy of Language and Musical Education (Joaquín Rodrigo Conservatory of Music in Valencia). Tenured Lecturer in the Department of Teaching and School Organization of the University of Valencia and member of the Terres research group (GIUV2019-452). She has carried out research stays at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA); at the University of Lisbon (Portugal); at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and at the University of Granada (Spain). Her lines of research revolve around the study of social justice and its application to the analysis of pedagogical relations, focusing on the social production of identity in the processes of educational and professional transitions.