University of Paris-Saclay-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (107)


  1. Hint for a TeV neutrino emission from the Galactic Ridge with ANTARES

    Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, Vol. 841

  2. Limits on the nuclearite flux using the ANTARES neutrino telescope

    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Vol. 2023, Núm. 1

  3. Search for Gamma-Ray and Neutrino Coincidences Using HAWC and ANTARES Data

    Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 944, Núm. 2

  4. Search for neutrino counterparts to the gravitational wave sources from LIGO/Virgo O3 run with the ANTARES detector

    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Vol. 2023, Núm. 4


  1. ANTARES offline study of three alerts after Baikal-GVD follow-up found coincident cascade neutrino events

    Proceedings of Science

  2. ANTARES search for neutrino flares from the direction of radio-bright blazars

    Proceedings of Science

  3. Combined sensitivity of JUNO and KM3NeT/ORCA to the neutrino mass ordering

    Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2022, Núm. 3

  4. Constraining the contribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts to the high-energy diffuse neutrino flux with 10 years of ANTARES data

    Proceedings of Science

  5. Indirect dark matter searches with neutrinos from the Galactic Centre region with the ANTARES and KM3NeT telescopes

    Proceedings of Science

  6. Multimessenger NuEM Alerts with AMON

    Proceedings of Science

  7. Neutrino mass ordering determination through combined analysis with JUNO and KM3NeT/ORCA

    Proceedings of Science

  8. Observation of the cosmic ray shadow of the Sun with the ANTARES neutrino telescope

    Proceedings of Science

  9. Search for Spatial Correlations of Neutrinos with Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays

    Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 934, Núm. 2

  10. Search for a diffuse flux of cosmic neutrinos with the ANTARES neutrino telescope

    Proceedings of Science

  11. Search for an association between neutrinos and radio-selected blazars with ANTARES

    Proceedings of Science

  12. Search for correlations between high-energy gamma rays and neutrinos with the HAWC and ANTARES detectors

    Proceedings of Science

  13. Search for non-standard neutrino interactions with 10 years of ANTARES data

    Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2022, Núm. 7

  14. Search for nuclearites with the ANTARES detector

    Proceedings of Science

  15. Search for relativistic Magnetic Monopoles with ten years of the ANTARES detector data

    Proceedings of Science

  16. Search for secluded dark matter towards the Galactic Centre with the ANTARES neutrino telescope

    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Vol. 2022, Núm. 6