Publications dans lesquelles il/elle collabore avec PAULA RODRIGUEZ ABRUÑEIRAS (7)


  1. Current trends in Corpus Linguistics and textual variation

    Research in Corpus Linguistics (RiCL), Vol. 9, Núm. 2, pp. 1-13


  1. Coordination and subordination in Middle English scientific prose: Textual variation in focus

    Of ye Olde Englisch Langage and Textes: New Perspectives on Old and Middle English Language and Literature (Verlag Peter Lang AG), pp. 187-211

  2. Coordination and subordination in Middle English scientific prose: textual variation in focus

    Of ye Olde Englisch Langage and Textes: new perspectives on Old and Middle English language and literature (Peter Lang), pp. 187-211

  3. Keeping learners motivated by means of technology enhanced learning: teaching the history of the english language in the 21st century

    X Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre Contenidos, Investigación, Innovación y Docencia: (CUICIID 2020). Libro de Actas

  4. Looking into the pass with 21st century tools: Historical Linguistics and Digital Pedagogy in the classroom

    Bases para una docencia actualizada (Tirant Humanidades), pp. 246-256


  1. From scribe to YouTuber: A proposal to teach the History of the English Language in the digital era


  2. From scribe to YouTuber: A proposal to teach the History of the English Language in the digital era

    5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd' 19)