Faculty: Faculty of Physics
Institut d' investigació: Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC)
Area: Theoretical Physics
Research group: Quantum Black Holes, Supergravity and Cosmology
Email: gonzalo.olmo@uv.es
Personal web: https://www.uv-qg.es
Doctor by the Universitat de València with the thesis Correcciones cuánticas de agujeros negros y cosmología 2005. Supervised by Dr. José Navarro Salas.
My research activity has focused on the study of new physics beyond the limits of General Relativity in classical and quantum scenarios and in regimes where new physics must play an important role. This broad field includes quantum phenomena in cosmology and black holes, as well as the study of alternative theories of gravitation and their applications to cosmology and astrophysics. I have contributed to the understanding of quantum radiation problems in curved spaces (cosmology, black holes, and wormholes) by developing a formalism based on correlation functions that exploits the underlying symmetries of the system and offers an alternative approach to the traditional formulation in terms of Bogolubov coefficients. This formalism has been especially useful in the study of the so-called trans-Planckian problem in the context of black holes, to study physical properties of matter fields and gravitational waves in inflationary scenarios, and also to proof (for the first time) that wormholes may produce quantum radiation. I am also author of numerous works on alternative theories of gravity (1 paper with 500+ citations, 3 with 250+, 13 with 100+, and 2 with 50+) with applications to the problem of the accelerating universe, quantum gravity phenomenology, the weak field limit in various theories of gravity, aspects of stellar structure and compact objects, and other astrophysical issues typically associated with dark matter and dark energy. More recently I have explored high-energy corrections to the internal structure of black holes, the meaning and implications of singularities, mechanisms to avoid them, analytical methods to facilitate the analysis of modified theories of gravity, quasinormal modes and shadows of compact objects, and have shown that the process of quantum particle creation also occurs in wormhole space-times. I have written several review articles, highlighting one in IJMPD in 2011 (500+ citations), another in Universe in 2015 (120+ citations), and two in Physics Reports (2018 with 230+ citations and 2020 with 170), dealing with topics that range from modified gravity to stellar structure. I have teaching experience in undergraduate courses (Physics I, Quantum Physics, QFT, Diff. Equations, Diff. Geometry) and have imparted numerous advanced courses for graduate students in Spanish, European, and American universities. I have supervised 15 final degree projects, 19 MSc, 4 PhDs, and 5 postdocs. I am an Associate Editor with the journals General Relativity and Gravitation, and Universe, I have been principal investigator of three coordinated national projects, of the Topical Network of Relativity and Gravitation, of 4 international projects of CSIC (2 i-LINK and 2 i-COOP), in 2014 I won a ”Special Visiting Researcher” project of the Brazilian Government (aimed at researchers of recognized international prestige), in 2017 I got a Project of Excellence for Young Researchers from the government of Valencia (GVA), and I am currently PI of a PROMETEO project (GVA). In 2014 I was named “Outstanding Refere” by the American Physical Society. I am a member of the Management Committee and the Core Group of the COST Action CA21136 (CosmoVerse), and also in CA15117 (CANTATA) until its completion in 10/2020. As Science Communication Manager of CANTATA, I produced two documentaries: G-Ambassadors (http://g-ambassadors.com) and Challenging Einstein’s Legacy. I have 3 research sexenios and 2 teaching quinquenios. I am Vice-president of the Spanish Society of Gravitation and Relativity. In numbers: 140+ published papers, citations≈ 7000+, h-index= 46, i10-index= 123. Ranked 64.313 for whole career and 21.729 for the year 2021 in the 100k science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators.