Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (52)


  1. B meson decay constants fbc, fbs and fb from qcd sum rules

    Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2014, Núm. 7

  2. Operation and performance of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker

    Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 9, Núm. 8

  3. The Physics of the B Factories

    European Physical Journal C, Vol. 74, Núm. 11, pp. 1-928


  1. Bottom-quark mass from finite energy QCD sum rules

    Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, Vol. 85, Núm. 3

  2. Corrections to the SU(3) × SU(3) Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation and chiral couplings L r 8 and H r 2

    Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 2012, Núm. 10

  3. Observation of time-reversal violation in the B0 meson system

    Physical Review Letters, Vol. 109, Núm. 21