Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Daniel Palacios Marqués (5)


  1. Connectivity and knowledge management in virtual organizations: Networking and developing interactive communications

    IGI Global, pp. 1-423

  2. Editor conclusions

    Connectivity and Knowledge Management in Virtual Organizations: Networking and Developing Interactive Communications (IGI Global), pp. 278-279

  3. The value of virtual networks for knowledge management: A tool for practical development

    Connectivity and Knowledge Management in Virtual Organizations: Networking and Developing Interactive Communications (IGI Global), pp. 148-166


  1. Estrategias competitivas y desempeño empresarial: estudio comparativo de los modelos de Robinson & Pearce y Miles & Snow en el sector hotelero español

    Investigaciones europeas de dirección y economía de la empresa, Vol. 13, Núm. 3, pp. 161-182

  2. IT and firm performance: A study in the spanish hospitality sector

    Tourism Management in the 21st Century (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 205-224