Echio sabulicolae-Euphorbietum terracinae, ass. nov. (Bromo-Oloption), nueva asociación de los arenales costeros de la Comunidad Valenciana
- Juan Ramón VÁZQUEZ
- Roberto ROSELLÓ
- Juan B. PERIS
ISSN: 1988-799X, 1138-5952
Argitalpen urtea: 2024
Zenbakia: 89
Orrialdeak: 136-143
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Flora Montiberica
A new association (Echio sabulicolae-Euphorbietum terracinae) typical of the highly anthropized dune complex from the coastal strip of the Valencian Community (Spain) is described. The difficulty of satisfactorily locating this association in the current syntaxonomic framework is discussed, and this problem is resolved by proposing a new class, Bituminario bituminosae-Hyparrhenietea hirtae, and a new order, Bituminario bituminosae-Oloptetalia miliacei, while proposing some nomenclatural change. Finally, some aspects of ecological-chorological interest regarding the main species of the new association are examined