Lower heart rate in patients with acute heart failure: the role of left ventricular ejection fraction

  1. Lorenzo, M.
  2. Miñana, G.
  3. Palau, P.
  4. Núñez, G.
  5. de la Espriella, R.
  6. Santas, E.
  7. Villar, S.
  8. Donoso, V.
  9. Núñez, E.
  10. Sanchis, J.
  11. Bayés-Genis, A.
  12. Núñez, J.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal

ISSN: 1651-2006 1401-7431

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 58

Issue: 1

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1080/14017431.2024.2386977 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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