Emociones, uso problemático de Internet y exposición de la intimidad en redes sociales en jóvenes
- Esther Fernández-García
- María-Jesús Cava
- Sofía Buelga
- Laura Carrascosa
ISSN: 0066-5126
Año de publicación: 2024
Volumen: 54
Número: 2
Páginas: 50-62
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Anuario de psicología
Public exposure of intimacy on social networks (extimacy) is frequent in young people, and could be associated with the emotions they experience before connecting and problem-atic use of the internet (addictive use, preference for online social interaction, and use to regulate emotions). However, these links have scarcely been investigated. The aims of this study were to: (1) analyze the prevalence of different emo-tions experienced by young people before connecting to the internet, (2) explore their correlations with problematic internet use and extimacy, (3) analyze possible differences in emotions and problematic internet use based on great-er or less extimacy, and (4) explore the predictive capacity of emotions and problematic internet use with respect to extimacy. Participants were 312 young people, aged 18–28 years old (M = 21.22, SD = 2.45). The results indicated that the emotion most experienced by young people before con-necting to the internet is boredom, although the prevalence observed in positive emotions, such as joy or excitement, was considerable. Significant correlations were found be-tween the emotions experienced before connecting, prob-lematic internet use, and extimacy. Young people with high levels of extimacy showed significantly higher scores in the emotions of boredom, excitement, stress, joy and happiness, as well as in addictive use of the internet and use to regulate their mood. The emotions of joy, excitement, and boredom, along with addictive internet use, were significant predictors of extimacy
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