Research data management and sharing in Educational Research

  1. Martínez-Córdoba, Celia 1
  2. Aleixandre-Benavent, Rafael 1
  4. Chiva-Sanchis, Inmaculada 1
  5. Alonso-Arroyo, Adolfo 1
  6. Groppi Bosch, Lidya 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


Argitaratzaile: Zenodo

Argitalpen urtea: 2024

Mota: Dataset


The burgeoning volume of data generated in scientific research remains largely untapped, constraining its potential to drive advancements. Openness and accessibility of data are paramount for scientific progress, fostering transparency, replicability, and reusability. Within the educational realm, the lack of data sharing and reuse presents significant challenges. This study delves into the perceptions and practices of Educational Sciences researchers regarding data sharing in Spain through a survey-based approach.The findings reveal a diversity in data management practices, with a tendency towards publication on academic platforms and a shared responsibility among team members, albeit with some centralization in the hands of the principal investigator. While the perception towards data sharing is generally positive, a substantial proportion of researchers still refrain from engaging in this practice, coupled with a lack of formal data management plans. These findings underscore the imperative to cultivate a culture of transparency, collaboration, and accountability in data management within the educational scientific community, addressing the barriers that hinder effective data sharing and management in educational research.